Lindsey with Don Rabska

LindseyUSAA3-4Cover2 - One of four USA Archery cover photos

Note the video links below are LARGE files, andd may take a longer time to load than usual:


BronzeMedal2008 final arrow for Bronze Raindrops (High-Speed Slow-Mo Training Movies) Bronze Final Shot second camera view  


Lindsey's Archery Page

Motto: "The marksman who hesitates is lost. Just take it for granted you are going to hit and fire away before you have time to doubt the certainty of success." Annie Oakley

*All scores shown are able-bodied divisions unless specifically noted


Justine Magazine Article, Fall 2004 (Acrobat PDF copy of original article)

Video News Report by KXAN 36, Austin TX, 8/4/2004  local copy

USOC's Olympic Beat magazine covers Lindsey(acrobat file)

North Lake Travis Log Newspaper story 3/22/2001

Lindsey sets one new world record and two Paralympic Records, including a 72 arrow qualifying score of 603, during Athens Paralympics, 2004, finishing 6th.

LATEST COMPETITION RESULTS:  Lindsey resets nine of ten AR3 NAA National Records - 8/1/2004

3/31/2004: Lindsey shoots Olympic Trials Qualifying Score (1187) at AZ Benefit Star FITA

Second among FITA Junior Female Recurve scores at US Nationals, 2002, dual credit by NAA as AR3 (disabled archer).

Second at JOAD Nationals during FITA portion.(5th overall)

11th among all adult women at the Texas Shootout, 2002

2nd among all adult women recurve archers during the Lone Star FITA, Austin,TX April 2002

Pictures from the 2001 NAA National JOAD Championships

Olympian Score shot during A&M Indoor Tournament (291 out of possible 300 points)

National Rankings Published Oct. 2001:  Ties for 3rd in Intermediate Division and 38th among Senior Women

Lindsey finished third overall in the 20th NAA National JOAD Target Championship in the Intermediate Division of female recurve archers, in Carver, MA, 7/13-7/15 , 2001. NAA Page

Lindsey takes number 1 in 2001 NAA National Indoor Archery in FITA Intermediate Ladies Recurve Division with a 1091 (out of a possible 1200) on  3/15/2001  and finishes second in the JOAD division, only 3 points out of first with a 565 (out of a possible 600)!

Newspaper story 3/22/2001
Date Event Score Result

First Tourney, 4/99

October, 1998 Picks up bow for first time Liked it Found a sport that she can enjoy for life
June 12-13, 1999 Texas State Outdoor 887 - (180/255/204/232) 1st
July 29-Aug 1, 1999 National JOAD Target Championships - Jr. Recurve 954 - (219/184/252/299) 22nd
NAA Page
November 5 & 7, 1999 Longhorn Invitational Indoor - FITA 40 cm - 144 arrows - 939  
November 6, 1999 Longhorn Invitational Indoor - JOAD Jr. 60 cm - 60 arrows - 540 1st
November 19 & 21, 1999 Aggie Invitational FITA Competitive 40 cm - 120 arrows - 955  

Enroute to Utah JOAD 1999

November 20, 1999 Aggie Invitational - JOAD Jr. 60 cm - 60 arrows - 523  
February 11 & 13, 2000 Texas State Indoor - JOAD Jr. 60 cm - 60 arrows - 524 1st
February 12, 2000 Texas State Indoor - FITA 40 cm - 120 arrows - 925  
March 3 & 5, 2000 31st National Indoor Championship A&M - FITA 40 cm - 120 arrows - 994 Registration blank filled out incorrectly - she was forced to be in FITA Competitive Division. (she finished with a 9th among 16 college women)
NAA Page
March 4, 2000 31st National Indoor Championship A&M - JOAD  Jr. 60 cm - 60 arrows - 533 NAA Page

August 1999 - discovering there is "anchoring"

April 1, 2000 Lone Star Outdoor FITA 144 arrows - 1154 - (250/288/292/324)  
April 14, 2000 Lone Star Shootout 144 arrows - 70/60/50/30 meters -   920 - (189/260/239/232) First Adult Distances - FITA Cadet Recurve Female - Certified World Records - 50 meters - 239, 60 meters - 260, 920 for FITA Round
June 17, 2000 Texas State Outdoor JOAD Jr. 144 arrows - *1202 (268/*316/286/*332) *State Records
June 24, 2000 Southern Regional - Gulf Coast Championships - JOAD Jr. 144 arrows - 1223 (279/302/308/334) Personal Best, 1st, fabulous time despite 95+ temp and 15-25 mph winds with 99% humidity

50 meter view without deer

July 6-8, 2000 National JOAD Target Championships - Jr. Recurve 144 arrows - 1197 (281/297/290/329)  finished 11th overall in tournament
NAA Page
National Rankings Published 18th in FITA Competitive Division 26th in JOAD Junior Division thanks to dad's mistake in march at A&M (her scores would have put her 9th)
November 3-5,2000 Aggie Indoor Invitational 120 arrows/40cm/18 meters
1st in her division, 8th of 19 in the college division
November 4,2000 Aggie Invitational JOAD 60 arrows/18 meters/60 cm
1st in her division 
(Junior Recurve)

Lonestar Shootout 2000 - First 70 meters

November 10-12,2000 Longhorn Invitational  FITA 120 arrows/40cm/18 meters
388/423 = 811
1st her division, 8th highest score compared to the 18 college women
November 11, 2000 Longhorn Invitational JOAD 60 arrows/60 cm/18 meters
1st her division (Junior)
February 10, 2001 Texas State Indoor JOAD 60 arrows/60 cm/18 meters 276/280=556  1st her division( NOW Intermediate) 
February 9/11,2001 Texas State Indoor FITA 241/270*/511
1st her division and set two state records
March 3, 2001 National Indoor JOAD 60 arrows/60cm/18 meters
SECOND place her division JOAD NATS 3 points out of first! NAA Page
March 4,2001 National Indoor FITA 120 arrows/40cm/18 meters
275/274(=549) /273/268(=541) =1090
FIRST in the FITA Female Intermediate division of the NAA NATIONAL Indoor Tournament 1 point behind the winning collegiate woman(All-American) at the tourney, shot better than all but one adult woman recurve archer(Kathie Loesch, who was busy setting a new national record).
NAA Page
3/31/2001 Lone Star FITA Outdoor  226/253/250/300=1029
 FITA Competitive
6th recurve ranking, 1st in FOR
4/21/2001 Texas Shootout 2001 268/271/230/308=1077 (70/60/50/30) 18th of 31 archers Well-attended, included numerous top US archers including 2000 Olympic archers.
4/22/2001 Texas Shootout 2001  Olympic Elimination Round 13 in the FOR 15.5 points  Women's Recurve Division  - her first NAA ranking points.
06/16/2001 State JOAD Championship 264*/279*/257/293=1093 2nd place  
06/30/2001 State Adult Target Championship 254/286*/290*/303=1133*
1st Hard Fought, wonderful match - margin of ONE point between first and second places - 1133=personal best
07/13/2001 National JOAD Target Championship 263/300/256/297=1116 3rd overall 300 Personal Best at 50meters
NAA Page
7/28/201 National Target Championships 262/290/269/313=1134
4th place First double FITA, First National Tourney
NAA Page
10/20/2001 A&M Indoor 291/285=576 (60cm) 1st JOAD Round - OLYMPIAN SHOT
10/20/2001 A&M Indoor 249/250/267/259=1025 1st First 3-spot 40cm target in competition
11/16/2001 Longhorn Indoor 260/263=523 (60cm) 1st  
11/18/2001 Longhorn Indoor 244/260/242/242=988 (40cm) 2nd Bow accidentally at 37# instead of 34
1/19/2002 State JOAD Indoor 252/273=525 (40cm) 1st  
2/10/2002 State Indoor 266/260/276/275=1077 (40cm) 1st first tourney in JUNIOR division
2/21/2002 Visits ARCO, Chula Vista CA - First trip to Olympic Training Center Facility Works two days with Lloyd Brown on form and shot execution
3/1/2002 NAA National Indoors 236/245/248/253=982 30th Changes in form make for a difficult tournament
3/1/2002 NAA Nat Indoors JOAD 262/259=521 11th
4/6/2002 Lone Star FITA 241/270/254/310=1075
2nd 2nd overall ranking among all women Recurve Archers, shot as AR3
4/26/2002 Texas Shootout 233/281/239/321=1074
17th Field included US Olympians and Senior US Team, 17th among adults
6/7/2002 Junior World Team Trials 246/287/230/306=1069 10th  
7/6/2002 Texas State Target/JOAD/GCC 263/259/232/299=953
7/14/2002 JOAD National Target Championships 282/284/273/317=1156
2nd in FITA, 5th overall  
7/27/2002 National Target Championships 288/266/260/312=1126
1st AR3
2nd Junior
Resulted in Fifth in National Standings for Junior Female Recurve
11/2/2002 Aggie Indoor 256/272=528 JOAD 1st
11/3/2002 Aggie Indoor 252/253= 505; 244/256=500// 1005 FITA 3rd
11/22/2002 Longhorn Indoor 246/249=495; 267/253=520// 1015 FITA 1st
11/22/2002 Longhorn Indoor JOAD 252/247=499 JOAD 2nd
December 15 hour surgery - both femurs reconstructed
2/28/2003 National Indoors 253/249/260/258=1020 FITA 12th place nationwide (shot from wheelchair)
2/29/2003 Nat'l Indoors-JOAD 261/267=528 JOAD 7th place nationwide (shot from wheelchair)
4/6/2003 Lone Star FITA 265/287/261/316=1129 FITA shot from wheelchair
4/13/2003 Arizona Cup 243/295/249/306=1093 FITA 47th (shot from barstool)
4/27/2003 Lone Star Shootout 244/275/272/330=1121 FITA 23rd of 40 - Shot Standing
6/5/2003 World Team Trials 271/297/264/306=1138 FITA Single day FITA, single line:
23rd of 32 - standing
6/14-15/2003 Texas State JOAD 262/281/245/308=1096 FITA Brownsville, TX
6/26-29/2003 National JOAD Target Championships 318/272/299/259=1148
(30/50/60/70 meters)
FITA 7th place finish
Shot distances in reverse (short first)
Denver, CO
7/26-8/1/2003 National Senior Target Championships 271/274/278/315=1138
Double FITA Reading,PA
9/7-13/2003 IPC World Championships 172/146/250/323=891


2-Day FITA Day 1 scores reflect incompetence by overseer adjusting bow improperly - 20 misses. 2nd day score was 2nd highest in division with different bow
Madrid, Spain
10//11/2003 Duel in the Desert Trials 276/305/268/301=1150 FITA Phoenix,AZ
Single Line, Single day
10/26/2003 Duel in the Desert   FITA Long Beach - 2 day, 2 line
11/2/2003 Aggie Indoor 261/283=544
11/3/2003 Aggie Indoor JOAD 264/266=530 FITA  
11/16/2003 Longhorn Indoor JOAD 256/272=528 FITA  
11/16/2003 Longhorn Indoor 247/253=500
12/12/2003 AZ Classic 242/248/254/277=1021 (70/60/50/30) FITA  
Don Rabska Starts Teaching Lindsey the BEST Method  
1/31/2004 Texas State Indoor 258/271=529
3/5/2004 NAA National Indoor 532/530=1062 FITA 13 of 96 archers in US
3/27/2004 AZ Star FITA Benefit 288/300/268/331=1187 FITA  
4/1/2004 AZ Cup 286/286=572 (36 arrows/70 meters each) OR Qualifier  
5/15/2004 Paralympic Trials & Saddleback Spring Classic 275/251/258/259=1043
36 x 70 meters Finished first in OR match play
6/15/2004 Olympic Trials 258/257/277/286=1078 36x70m Finished 34th
7/24/2004 NAA National Target Championship 293/304/260/312=1169
total double FITA: 2370
Double FITA Reset 9 of 10 National records as AR3, claimed 10th place among able-bodied senior recurve women; her first score above 1200
9/21/2004 Paralympics, Athens, Greece 603 (72 arrows qualifying round) 72 arrows at 70 meters Improved world record by 14 and Paralympic record by 34
9/22/2004 Paralympics, Athens Greece 145 in 18-arrow match play 70 meters Improved previous paralympic record by 4
2/18/2005 NAA National Indoors 1108 18 meters,1200 possible 4th in Senior Female Recurve, 3rd in collegiate
4/5/2005 Texas Shootout 1250:      307/301/300/342 FITA, 1440 possible 4th in FITA
  gold would be paralympic world record if IPC were to allow US to have sanctioned events 
4/6/2005 Texas Shootout OR: 152/145/101/99/97 FITA Silver, 2nd in OR
4/16/2005 AZ Cup 1249 FITA 8th in FITA
4/17/2005 AZ Cup OR: 156/147 OR 12th in OR
5/19-22/2005 USIAC 292/301/286/337= 1216 FITA 4th in her Freshman Collegiate Championship, 3rd(bronze) in the OR
May 28-29,2005 Gold Cup 294/302/295/336=1227 FITA 7th in first NJ Gold Cup, 6th in OR

Xrays from post-surgery, 2003
Personal Bests in tournament shooting
4/17/2005 156 in 18 arrow OR at 70 meters World Record if the IPC allowed US to have sanctioned event AZ Cup US
4/6/2005 1250 FITA World Record if the IPC allowed the US to have sanctioned event College Station US
9/21/2004 603 (72 arrow qualifying round) World & Paralympic Record Athens GR
9/22/2004 145 (18 arrow OR Match Play) Paralympic Record Athens GR
11/2/2002 256/272=528 18/40 A&M Indoor  
10/20/2001 291/285=576 18m/60cm/JOAD A&M Indoor  
3/3/2001 280/285=565 18meter/60cm/JOAD National Indoor shot at A&M 2nd place Nationals
2/10/2001 276/280=556 18 meter/60cm JOAD State Indoor JOAD 2001
11/11/2000 274/280 = 554 18 meter/60 cm JOAD U.T. Indoor Invitational  
11/5/99 267/273 = 540 18 meter/60 cm JOAD U.T. Invitational  
2/9/2002 266/260/277/275=1078 18m/40cm State Indoor  
3/4/2001 275/274/273/268 = 1090 18 meter/40cm FITA National Indoor 2001 at A&M shot 4 rounds in one day, last two rounds were single line,earned FIRST in Nationals
2/9-11/2001 241/270=571 + 266/259=525   = 1036 18 meter/40 cm FITA State Indoor 2001
11/12/2000 481/508 = 989 18 meter/40 cm FITA U.T. Indoor Invitational  
11/6/99 481/458 = 939 18 meter/40cm FITA U.T. Invitational  
7/24/2004 293/304/260/312=1169
total double FITA: 2370
Double FITA 120th US National Target Championship First > 1200 FITA, 9 new records in AR3
7/27/2002 275/311/283/326=1195 70/60/50/30 meters 118th Nationals Target Championship +120 points during summer
7/28/2001 262/290/269/313=1134
Intermediate Distance: 60/50/40/30 meters
(double FITA)
117th National Target Championships
6/16/2001 264/279/257/293=1093 60/50/40/30 Gulf Coast & Texas State JOAD 2nd, two state records set
4/21/2001 268/271/230/308=1077
Adult Distances (70/60/50/30) Texas Shootout
4/1/2000 258/288/292/324=1154  50/40/30/20 FITA  Lone Star FITA  
6/13/1999 180/255/204/232=887 50meter/40/30/20 FITA  Texas State Outdoor  
6/25/2000 279/308/302/334=1273 50/40/30/20 JOAD Gulf Coast Championship
Southern Regional NAA Champ.
6/17/2000 268/316/286/332=1202 50/40/30/20 JOAD Texas State Outdoor  
7/8/2000 281/297/290/329=1197 50/40/30/20 JOAD NAA National Outdoor  
8/1/1999 219/184/252/299=954 50/40/30/20  JOAD NAA National Outdoor  

State Outdoor 2000


backyard shooting


Closet Target

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